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The gateway to launching a business in Central Asia's leading financial centre.

Give us your details, we'll take care of the rest.

The Astana International Financial Centre

We facilitate entry into the AIFC and provide services such as licensing, registration and bank account opening. We'll take care of the administrative headaches so that you can focus on your business.

Gateway to the Central Asian Market

Safe, secure establishment

Protect your intellectual property

English Common Law

Proven jurisdiction

How it works.



You give us your company details.

You upload ID.

We do the rest.

No tricky forms to fill in.

About us

AIFC Specialists simplify the process for registering your company within the Astana International Financial Centre. We provide a seamless, fully online, client-centric experience. In JacksonMSV, we have a founding partner with tremendous experience providing foreign investment & market entry solutions to frontier markets.

About AIFC

AIFC is a financial hub in Astana, Kazakhstan. Located in Central Asia, it plays a pivotal role in connecting the economies of Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Asia. Providing a low-risk environment in a high-yield region, the financial centre de-risks investment to companies seeking to operate in the region.